Could you take some of my weight...?

Could you take some of my weight…? is an early work by Tero Saarinen. Full of masculine energy and virtuosity, the much-praised duet explores and plays with the tangible and symbolic meanings of weight.

The work premiered in 1999 and was originally performed by Saarinen and Yuval Pick, the founders of Tero Saarinen Company. It re-entered the Company’s repertoire in June 2016.

“Dance that breathes and feels natural – beautiful – intense”
- Helsingin Sanomat (Finland)

Could you take some of my weight...?

Choreography Tero Saarinen
Music collage (Sergei Rachmaninoff, Steve Reich)
Lighting design Mikki Kunttu
Costume design Rachel Quarmby-Spadaccini
Set realisation Susanna Laurola

”David Scarantino and Pekka Louhio’s powerful, energetic interpretation of the longing for contact and separation hit the audience like a wave to the shore.”

– Teatteri & Tanssi + sirkus, Minna Tawast, 5/2016 (Finland)

“In the 1999 duet Could you take some of my weight...? He [Saarinen] is especially alert to the ways in which emotion and fantasy can be registered trough small shifts in the quality of movement -- The stage design is startlingly effective.”

– The Guardian, Judith Mackrell, 2 July 2001 (UK)

“The work affirms Saarinen’s principle – contemporary dance does not need to be some consumer product to be used once and updated every year.”

– Helsingin Sanomat, Raisa Rauhamaa, 15 October 2016

”I was inspired and energised – AMAZING dancers!”

- Facebook feedback 2016

”An excellent performance which made me believe in a better future. Thank you!”

- Facebook feedback 2016

”An amazing and thought-provoking choregraphy; talented and natural performers. Both wonderful – thank you.”

- Facebook feedback 2016

”Once again I was delighted by the wonderful dancers as well as the enchanting and mind-boggling choreography.”

- Facebook feedback, 2016