Scheme of Things was originally created for the acclaimed Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT1) in 2009.
A study of relationships and the patterns of behaviour that repeatedly manifest themselves in life, the working title was Bad Timing.
“I was wondering, is there a set pattern for how things always go, in relationships and in life in general? Why is it that every so often one of you is ready for an encounter, but the other is not?” Saarinen explains the creative process.
Choreography Tero Saarinen
Music collage (Biosphere, Jeff Buckley, Trey Gunn, Higher Intelligence Agency and Jarmo Saari)
Lighting and set design Mikki Kunttu
Costume design Erika Turunen
Choreographer’s Assistant Sini Länsivuori
”Once a poet, always a poet --- (Saarinen’s choreography) remains abstract and movingly poetic --- The main strength (of Scheme of Things) lies in its subtly-evoked ethereal and fragile quality, which serves to underline the vulnerability of the dancers.”
– Dance Europe, March 2009 (United Kingdom)
“Saarinen leans on a synchronized and empathic collective --- (dancers) converse with flowing body movements --- a spectacular ending in moving dialog with You & I by Jeff Buckley, a post mortem prayer, luminous and without artifice.”
– Ville de, 7 November 2011 (France)
“The skill and sensitivity of the dancers as well as the carefully designed visuality will surely be remembered. --- disfigured poses melt into soft movements --- once again, Mikki Kunttu’s lighting travels with the dancers, as part of the movements.``
– Aamulehti, 12 October 2011 (pre-premiere review) (Finland)