Eero Vesterinen
Vesterinen joined Tero Saarinen Company as a visiting dancer in 2015, and has since danced in many TSC creations such as MESH, Morphed and Third Practice, as well as Johanna Nuutinen’s Hz, set to premiere in 2022.
Vesterinen joined Tero Saarinen Company as a visiting dancer in 2015, and has since danced in many TSC creations such as MESH, Morphed and Third Practice, as well as Johanna Nuutinen’s Hz, set to premiere in 2022.
``Eero Vesterinen and Auri Ahola’s wild duet was magnetic”
- Teatteri & Tanssi + sirkus, 5/2016 (Finland) / MESH
”In terms of dance, Hz was top-notch. The dancers Elina Häyrynen, Natasha Lommi, Saida Solla, Eero Vesterinen and Riccardo Zandonà were like finely-tuned instruments, with every part of their body reacting sensitively to the surrounding sounds.”
Demokraatti, 1 April 2022 (Finland) / Hz