Elina Häyrynen


Elina Häyrynen is a contemporary dancer based in Finland. She completed her studies at Amsterdam University of the Arts and at the Theatre Academy in 2009. Häyrynen has worked with various choreographers and internationally acclaimed dance companies, such as Susanna Leinonen Company, Milla Koistinen, Veli Lehtovaara, Anni Rissanen and Jukka Tarvainen. Häyrynen is one of the artistic directors of dance company Off/Balance in Central Finland. She is also a member of the multidisciplinary art ensemble TARGET Helsinki. In addition to her career as a dancer, Häyrynen is a certified Pilates instructor.

Häyrynen’s collaboration with Tero Saarinen Company started in 2020. She has since danced in Saarinen’s works Third Practice and Transit as well as Johanna Nuutinen’s Hz.


”In terms of dance, Hz was top-notch. The dancers Elina Häyrynen, Natasha Lommi, Saida Solla, Eero Vesterinen and Riccardo Zandonà were like finely-tuned instruments, with every part of their body reacting sensitively to the surrounding sounds.”

Demokraatti, 1 April 2022 (Finland) / Hz