Jenna Broas


Jenna Broas gained a BA from London Contemporary Dance School at The Place in 2014 and an MA from the Theatre Academy of the University of Arts Helsinki in 2017. She has danced in Finland and England, collaborating with choreographers including Johanna Nuutinen, Sara Gurevitsch, Jenni-Elina von Bagh, Anders Duckworth and Carolyn Deby.

With her artistic work Jenna studies the possibilities of virtuosic movement, and the relationships between organic and inorganic. Together with Fabian Nyberg she forms an artistic duo Broas & Nyberg, whose Truths That Never Were premiered online from TSC Studio in March 2020 as part of their residency at Tero Saarinen Company. Broas began working at the Company as a trainee on MESH in 2016, becoming a visiting dancer in 2018.


“My attention was particularly drawn to Jenna Broas’ --- beautiful interpretation”

– Hufvudstadsbladet, 19 June 2019 (Finland) / Third Practice

Audience feedback

”The sensitivity and timing of Jenna Broas' movement impressed me.”

– 19 August 2021 (Finland) / Transit

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