David Scarantino

Dancer, Choreographer's Assistant, Rehearsal Director, Training Activities Coordinator

David Scarantino has graduated with a BFA in performance and choreography from Purchase College, State University of New York (2011) and with an MA in Dance Pedagogy at the University of the Arts Helsinki (2021).

He has been a member of the Brian Brooks Moving Company, and performed in works by Paul Taylor, Diane McIntyre, Shannon Gillen and Pam Tanowitz and others. 

Scarantino joined Tero Saarinen Company in 2013 and has since then danced in all TSC productions, including one of the leading roles in Kullervo at the Finnish National Opera and Ballet. He is TSC’s Training Activities Coordinator and teaches TERO technique regularly, in Finland and abroad. Read more about Scarantino’s teaching methods here!

”David Scarantino and Pekka Louhio’s powerful, energetic interpretation of the longing for contact and separation hit the audience like a wave to the shore.”

- Teatteri & Tanssi + sirkus, 5/2016 (Finland) / Could you...?

”Louhio and Scarantino exquisitely interpret the shifts of weight, expressiveness of the arms and subtle playfulness, typical of (Saarinen’s) movement language.”

- Turun Sanomat, 13 October 2016 (Finland) / Could you...?

”David Scarantino’s dance made a majestic impression”