New TSC Studio available for residencies and rentals

Tero Saarinen Company will relocate to the Cable Factory: a 200m2 dance studio as well as TSC office and technical storage facilities are under renovation. The new TSC Studio will also be rented out as well as used for residencies and demo performances. The space will be equipped with a Harlequin spring floor, simple lighting pipes and sound system.

TSC will provide free  1-4 week training residences, for 1-3 independent dance productions each year. Demos and open rehearsals will be arranged in connection with the residencies. For dance companies, choreographers and dancers working periodically, subsidised daytime rental possibilities will be available when TSC is not rehearsing, e.g. during tours and on weekends. In season 2019/2020, the TSC Studio will be rented out to commercial dance schools on weeknights and Saturday mornings.
The official opening of the TSC Studio, final rental prices and the residency application procedures will be communicated later. Preliminary open applications for residencies, including a description of the creation and creative team and wishes for a timeframe, can already be sent to